Your FFFA Board of Directors has been super busy the last few weeks working on the special “Hot Spots” program, gathering items and categorizing them for the upcoming silent auction, working to present a full Ballot for the 2019 BOD, and laying the groundwork for our Holiday Party scheduled for 8 December at the Viera East Residents center. The greatest asset in getting all of this work accomplished is our new website. We currently have the Ballot for 2019 on line where a registered member can go and vote for their choice of officer for the next year, and if they decide they don’t like the choices on the ballot, a member can write in a name of their choice. There is also a Holiday Party flyer on the web, along with a sign-up request for the number in the attending member’s party and their side dish. We are asking for your immediate attention on this matter as we need a good head count ASAP in order to ensure that we have enough of the holiday traditional food for everyone. We will be ordering the Turkey and its fixings, and the ham from an outside establishment, probably Publix’s. If you have not registered and are a member in good standing, please register today. If you have issues, contact Keith Braun as he is currently doing the registration approvals.
Manu thanks to Steve Lo, Gary Nelson and Ned Scheerhorn for their diligent effort in contacting all of the active members and getting a volunteer to fill every position on the 2019 Ballot. With the continuing board members and the newly elected members, we will be set for an outstanding the FFFA.
With the holiday season just around the corner there will be a lot of traveling by members of FFFA and their families from around the USA, so we would like to encourage everyone driving on the highways to incorporate a safety minded approach and to use courtesy even if the other driver seem to ignore what it means. Maintaining a cool and calm attitude will increase our chances of a safe arrival and return from the holiday travel, plus in makes for a more enjoyable trip. Our prayers are for a safe Holidays and a new year of 2019 we can welcomed on a bright note. Might also mention that based on recent events, one needs to keep a clear head while shopping or just out and about, paying close attention to your surroundings and pick the places you frequent carefully. If you do see something that just doesn’t appear to be right, report it immediately. The authorities would rather check out a alert before something happens than after it becomes an undesirable event. Never think that these events only happen someplace else.
As we are working towards the start of the New Year and getting all our “Ducks” in a row for 2019, and as I will no longer be on the elected Board, I once again want to thank all of the members of the board, this year and previous years, and all of the Members of the club for their support, understanding and guidance that I have received these past four years. I am still going to be active in the club and hope to see a growth in new members as a result of our recent recruiting efforts, (Hot Spots) and the positive publicity we have received via the published articles on both our outdoor activities and our concerns for the environment. The water ways of Florida are our playground and I get a lot of questions about where you can fly fish in Florida, to which I answer; “anywhere there is water and fish in Florida, you can fly fish”. I get the impression that fly fishers from the North and West think you must climb a mountain to fly fish. Recently I told a friend from Colorado you must put away your 3 or 4 wt, grab a 6 or 7wt for most waters in Florida but occasionally a 9 or 10 wt is a better choice. This of course leads into our experiences in the Miami Canals, the shad fishing in St. John’s river and large mouth being being abundant. Thanks again and I hope to fly fish with you in the very near future.