2018 has been a most exciting year and one that seemed to fly by faster then previous years. Pat and I were blessed in 2018 with the birth of our first great Grandchild. A bouncing baby girl named Gracie who has become the center of attention of everyone who gets the opportunity of seeing her. She continually laughs and wants to play, that is until she gets hungry, than she let you know it is time to eat. She is really a beautiful bundle of joy, unfortunately she lives in the cold north and we only see her once or twice a year.
We have a new website which took the diligent efforts by Keith Braun finding us the help we needed and then working with them to make the web a tool of the future for the Club. Using the website and having it out where newcomers to the area can see who we are and what we do will reap added benefits the Club and those individuals who become involved via the website. I will continue to support the website activities and if you have articles or fishing reports, send them to me and I will see they get posted. We are also planning to have a training session on the website and how to get around to find what it has to offer. It is getting better every week and we are trying hard to promote it as the communication voice for the future.
Looking forward into 2019 I believe that with the continued development of the Florida Fly Fishing Association website that we will experience a steady growth with the website being instrumental in making the community aware of FFFA and how we are supporting the efforts to improve our local environment, with the goal of once again seeing the Indian River Lagoon and surrounding waterways a source of world class fishing and water sports. We certainly appreciate all the efforts our membership is exerting towards making our elected officials aware of the local issues and help bring clean water back to our community. Jim Glass is our lead contributor for the Club and is putting forth a tremendous effort attending Counsel meeting as well as providing expert verbal contributions to supporting environmental organizations.
The Board of Directors has been elected for the calendar year of 2019. The only change from the 2018 BOD will be the addition of Steve Moon as the new President. We met at the December Board Meeting on 3 December 2018 and I passed along the Leadership Gavel while assuring him he should never hesitate to ask for help from any of the present or previous board members we are here to help. I am sure that he will do an excellent job and we look forward to working and fishing with him in the near future. Welcome, Steve Moon!
I want to also thank everyone for all their help and encouragement they provided me, especially the moral support. Transiting from the working force to retirement is a tremendous effort in one’s golden years. With having the current issues with my eyes and trying to limit my driving, especially at night, it was time for me to step aside and pass the gavel along. It has been a great experience for me and one that I will never forget, and my love for fly fishing still burns with the eagerness of a much younger lad, so I will still be fishing and tying flies to the extent I can and stand ready to lend a helping hand any way that I can.
Remember the Holiday Party if this Saturday night and we are looking forward to having a great time of fellowship.
Thank you and it has been my pleasure to serve as your President for the past four years. Looking forward to fishing with you soon.
Dave Harbour