December 2020
Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!
It is hard to believe that the holidays are here already. It seems like only
yesterday we were starting the year. We had great plans for our Club. The plans
have been postponed while we hunker down to keep each other safe from the
dreaded novel Corona virus, Covid-19.
Your board wants you to know that it is ready to jump start our Club as soon
as it is safe enough to do so. In the meantime we encourage you to use our website
to communicate with fellow members and update everyone if you have been lucky
enough to go fishing. We all would enjoy seeing and sharing some good news!
If you know anyone that needs help or prayers during this difficult time
please let your board know. We will do what we can to assist our members in
need. The reason our Club is so popular is because we have members that are
happy to teach skills, share knowledge and offer help when it is needed.
I want to thank all of our members that have kept the Club running, the
website up to date and contributed to the website content for the benefit of all of
us. I am proud to be associated with you. Your efforts will sustain our Club during
this pandemic and make it outstanding when we resume our meetings.
On behalf of the board I want to wish you good health, love, peace and
prosperity in 2021.
Steve Moon