July 2021
The June 22, 2021 general meeting at Kay’s BBQ was a success! The turnout was better than expected but still far short of what makes our Club the best in Brevard County. We want you to come out on July 27th! The featured speaker on July 27th is local guide and IRL advocate, Rick Worman. He was one of our most popular speakers in the past and he
will not disappoint us on the 27th. Expect a wealth of information from a charismatic speaker. Trust me, if you want to know what is happening as far as fishing is concerned in the IRL, Rick is the best source to consult. The June general meeting was more of a reunion and planning meeting than anything else. The members present made it clear that they want to get back out on the water. Your Club is going to accommodate you! We are planning outings and placing an
emphasis on networking for members trying to go fishing. The website is a great starting point for all. Expect more content and updates on the site. Not many of us use the website. Your board is curious why and request your input. If the Covid pandemic has taught us anything it has taught us that we need to be able to communicate with each other to plan trips and outings. Many of us just want someone else to fish with when we have time off. We thought the website would be the catalyst for members to stay active. We want your help to fine tune things so that no one is left behind that wants to go fishing. Do you want a chance to win a brand new Echo fly rod, Waterworks Lamson reel, backing and top tier fly line? This member’s only package will be valued at over $500.00! Richard Goode is going to give us a discount so that the overall value of the package is much greater. Be sure to thank Richard when you visit his shop.
The raffle will take place at the September general meeting. It will only be open to members. If you know anyone that is on the fence about joining our Club tell them there is no better time than the present! Raffle tickets will cost $5.00. A
membership is only $25.00, ($35.00 for family). The odds of winning will be much better than any raffle I can think of. Membership has its privileges! We want to rebuild our Club from the ground up. Our existing membership is great! We have more active and participating members than any other Club in the area. Any good organization knows that new
members will make the difference for the future of a club. If each current member can recruit a new member we double in size. The benefits will grow exponentially! New members will give existing board members a chance to step back to enjoy the Club. Practically every current member has taken on a leadership role at one time or another. We need new members to energize the Club. If you are reading this and have not had a chance to serve on the board we
want you to know that elections are coming up in November. Let your board and fellow members know that you want to join the board before the November general meeting. We will look forward to your fresh ideas and enthusiasm.
See you at Kay’s BBQ on July 27th!
Stephen M. Moon, Esq.